
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Super Mario Bros. Wii [2009]

Nintendo's New Super Mario Bros. Wii is a 2D/3D side scroller action game. Very much more related to the original franchise than the other deviation, such as Super Mario Sunshine, and embodies the spirit of the original. It's fast pace and fun colorful stages, combined with heavy references to the previous titles, makes this a guaranteed hit among fans. I being a long time fan, surprisingly find myself not entirely pleased.

The graphics are very much like all the last 3D Mario games. What make this one stand out is the 2D orientation, taking it back to it's roots. This is a proven formula for Mario games, and where I believe it really shines. The character graphics and animations are superb. The levels are very much like the classic Mario games, but with a modern twist. This game really give long time fans plenty of references to the originals, which we gladly embrace. It also introduces new comers to what makes this franchise so successful.

The new co-op play makes this game even more enjoyable; allowing up-to 4 players simultaneously. This really gives this game a very nice element. I in particular like bouncing of my teammates head to get to hard-to-reach areas (throwing them of cliffs is pretty fun too). Sound effects and soundtrack are as good as Mario games can get, with plenty of remixes of familiar tunes. The classic layout of the controls is also great, making it really easy to pick up and play.

Overall I really enjoyed this game. I don't know if I'm being overly critical or not, but I wasn't completely happy with the game. One thing that I found disappointing was the lineup of selectable characters. It's very limited and I believe negatively affected the game. Yoshi, also, is only playable in a couple of levels. I felt like the game was a little too short, kind of gave me the feeling like it was rushed out for sales (also, where was the Mega Mushroom from the DS version?). I really hope Nintendo decides to make a sequel, and hopefully include more characters and most importantly the Mega Mushroom (hey what can I say, I got to have it).

New Super Mario Bros. Wii has a lot of highlights. However, the limited line-up, missing Mega Mushroom, and short worlds gave me the feeling of somethings missing. This ultimately prevented this title from possibly becoming the best Mario of all time! In any case, this game is filled with plenty of hours of fun, and for the long time fans, a nice walk through memory lane. This is a must have for all Wii owners, so... go get it!

Graphics 10/10
Sound 10/10
Gameplay 9/10

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